
Press Releases
SAJU announces an international campaign to restore and safeguard freedoms in Sudan
By [unknown placeholder $article.art_field1$]
Jul 11, 2010 - 10:43:39 PM

SAJU announces an international campaign to restore and safeguard freedoms in Sudan

 In a fresh crackdown, consistent with its long standing policy on human rights and its advocates, Government of Sudan GOS dealt a crippling blow to freedom of expression anew.


Several journalists face death penalty in charges based on expressing their opinion. One of them, Abuzar Alamin, was arrested in May 2010 and is reported to be in a sever health condition. Security Forces and Attorney General Authorities denied him a much needed specialized medical care.


To add insult to injury, two daily newspapers- Ray Alsha�ab and Alintibaha- licenses were revoked, four more dailies- Alahdath, Altayar, Alhurrah and Akhbar Alyoum- were punished by a one day ban, and two others- AlMeidan and Ajras Alhurriah- sustained a continuous harassment and subjected to advertisements ban.


Furthermore, GOS revived prior censorship on newspapers, a practice that was lifted on mutual agreement on a Journalistic Code of Ethics. This is a damming proof of GOS double dealings, and using last elections as a smoke screen to tighten its grip.

We, in the Sudanese American Journalist Union, strongly and unequivocally condemn and denounce this flagrant and gross violation of all human and international laws, and:

         Call for immediate and unconditional release of all journalists, reinstating banned newspapers and stop of all sorts of sanctions against freedom of express in Sudan,

         Call on Sudanese president to uphold the constitution that protects these rights and annulling all laws that restricts freedom of expression and human rights.


We hereby augment an international campaign to restore and safeguard freedoms in Sudan, in close cooperation with all concerned entities, welcoming all support from concerned parties and individuals.


Sudanese American Journalist Union- Executive Committee

July 2010

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