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President of the Republic Omar Albashir to start his visit to Gezira state
By [unknown placeholder $article.art_field1$]
Dec 28, 2010 - 6:47:44 AM

President of the Republic Omar Albashir to start his visit to Gezira state


Madani / 28/12/ SUNA/ President of the Republic , Field Marshal Omar Hassan Ahmed Albashir arrived at Saharafa Albahr in Gezira state in the beginning of his visit to the state to participate in the celebrations of the 19th martyer day to be held today in Algezira state


The president was accompanied by eng. Abdul Raheem Mohamed Hussien the minister of defense, Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid the minister of interior and a number of officials in the Federal government


The president was received at Alsharafa by Prof. Alzubair Bashir Taha Wali of Algezira state , members of his government and the executive and legislative leaders of the state besides a great number of the people in the state


On the occasion of this celebration the president inaugurated Alshaheed (martyer ) Abdul Ilah Khojali hospital which is established on comemoration of his memorial where the hospital services covers 70 villages and comprises clinics and surgeries centers by the advaned specifications


The president procession headed for Wad Alnaeem area to inaugurate Alwalidain hospital which contains all the medical specializations and receive all the emergency cases


Also the president will inaugurate Wad Medeni center for heart surgery, Algezira customs station for containers in Hantoub, the productive housing project , Hassan A'aloab hospital for psyciatric medical services and the new buildings of the emergency forces in the eastern Nile


the President of the Republic on his way back will also inaugurate Ma'atoug electricity station which aimed at providing electricity supply to 450 village at a cost of one billion SDG



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