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Cultivation of 500 thousand feddans of cotton next season
By [unknown placeholder $article.art_field1$]
Dec 27, 2010 - 6:31:19 AM

Cultivation of 500 thousand feddans of cotton next season


Khartoum, Dec. 26 (SUNA) - The Board of Directors of the Sudan Cotton Company has authorized in its meeting Sunday, the plan and program of the summer season of 2011-2012 in which 500 thousand feddans of cotton will be cultivated, by full funding in all cotton regions of the country under the administrative and technical supervision for all the farming process starting from land preparation until the stage of cotton picking with the application of appropriate technology packages, which enable the increase of productivity


The plan includes the import of agricultural machinery and heavy equipment suitable for the preparation of the land that is to benefit from local and global experiences and to select seeds of high productivity


The program aims to export $ 800 million of cotton in the first phase in implementation of the programs of the agricultural development , contributing in the gross of the national production and to increase non-oil exports


The program also aims to cultivate 1.2000 feddans in the second phase to reach production of 15 quintals per feddan in the last year

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