
Articles and Analysies
Wrong idea and tearing the country by Mayor / Abu Bakr ELJack
By [unknown placeholder $article.art_field1$]
May 8, 2009 - 10:25:09 AM

: Wrong idea and tearing the country


              Savages threw away their           
                Deserts ..                      
            ... The shelter.. Nor            
                                                   Rest                 ..           
      .. No fire                 
                The howl .. Dogs          
          .. Dealers in the long flocks ..   
             Walk to withdraw locusts         
               It faces .. The Ravens .. ..        
         .... The eyes .. For Zeban ..       
         ... The legs .. The Bulls ..      
          Travel trample the country apart ...       
              The planting destruction

 In every valley .                 


  What with people of
Sudan ? Why are fighting and conflict ..? Is motivated struggle for power? The lust for money and Mace, may their think who took office in Sudan, I mean those people until the National Congress be clear whether to life forever they power, not thoroughly read the Quran and its meaning or hearts Glv or on their ears realized Is what happened over the past twenty years, and what happening Now, Machristsal in the future according to their plans the strategy by pouring effort and money to the renaissance of the Sudan as they claim Is it a reality, or consumption and political blackmail, whether as policies pursued by President is free Ewalounam times Albroov interior minister Rescue Is motivated or motivated by national interest mundane material coated slogans religion, whether there will be Sudan to govern? The answer to this question must be practical is that these reviews themselves and convert their accounts well because the next loss is a great loss is a loss homeland was named Sudan and the loss of people and the nation and history, for it in the past for a long time despite the bitterness has been manifest in calling for secession or promoting disunity and division and fragmentation home was a crime of high treason, which calls for war and the Declaration of Repentance, and so loudly that the voice was that the modern equivalent of all the universally decried, employment and mercenary, but today we see the forums, conferences and forums and newspapers, became the subject of trading in separation and devoted to him the reasons and justifications and awaiting him opportunities and reopening wounds, and walk Gossiped transcript and innuendo, and fomenting sedition has become such a dominant factor on the political scene Her voice higher, and to kick some Islamist and take swords of hates and hate without good reason or reasonable, and if motivated by the right to self-determination, which is protected by the Convention the Comprehensive Peace brothers southerners, the right inherent right and natural, as practiced by South Korean, and even we have decided that as long as North to passing there ideological rejected by most northerners in all parts of the country, is your country which bequeathed the poor and illness and wars, the people of southern Sudan and western and central who was born in disemboweling the flame of the revolution against intellectual hegemony and domination of one culture and the Islamic Front Party, the highest level, to the south, he said clearly whether you want unity, strength and prosperity and freedom for the people let him the people, he says, because the people of Sudan and the people of teachers politic, but no option to let him speak and he says, people have tolerated Sudan all ratings bitterness of war, destruction and displacement and asylum even entered Israel and then run Balramada of yours fires, why thousands of Sudanese fled the different religions and ethnicity to Israel, they are looking for freedom and a dignified life and Morsel honorable, even if work in farms rabbis at least will live as human beings will find minimum  attention, because Israel in the period ruled by Sudan, took the Chair more than ten heads and killed two of them for political reasons, and all three of them had resigned because of failing to bring the aspirations of the people of Israel and all those presidents came through the election and the will of the Jewish people , and the number of Israel's population is less than the population of Khartoum State, but their economy and their industries flooded the local markets of the Arab boycott, despite the restrictions, in addition to the greater demands of the Palestinians is to be the border, including the cities of Israel and even open go to work in factories, shops, companies, restaurants and farms Israel, and Itensmwa surrounds me freedom and prosperity in the parks and the coast of Tel Aviv and study at university, and then returned to Iharboha again, and despite that fact that no Phantoms Almath anesthesia and the political and intellectual exercised by the people who are far from the issues and feelings of the people who Idlkon Mresth to land, importing liquor pop container to put them in Feil guests and outsiders, paraded and hospitality presidents and ministers in the conference, which set up the loss-making Madbaa there is no motive has not attempt to pass some stupid agenda Almtablatyh mobilize and attract African presidents to get the benefits of what it is to be achieved and people living under the teacher fetters and constraints odious dictatorship, and security control and intelligence FRAGILE , the attempt to establish relations central to reach diplomatic gains can be carried out in the whole world Petfarag the government exercised political and social exclusion and cultural impose laws based on false claims, where is that the majority Tgmunha Tnfdhun and aspirations, if there is respect for the opinion of the majority, was to respect the rules the feelings of the majority who went out to receive the martyr late Dr. John Garang de Mabior, not armies majority of the beneficiaries and supporters appointed to state posts by Mischarge presidency to health workers and public order in the administrative units and commissions benchmark rogue Central neighborhoods and villages to raise reports, the sale of land, Ackley relief and zakat that Ozhb rents workers and the good loans go to Mtablatyh supported wheat flour, which depends upon the poor Sudan. That mentality that runs the National Conference of this country is mentally sterile because it is appears that people who have command of any consideration understand depend on lying and deception in each exercise even those achievements Eetmcdkon ads in newspapers supporting each completed year of personal achievement behind him, because the real achievement is not the building vellaes and cities, bridges, dams, but the achievement is clear in all the work because the people who you its affairs is not important to see the apartment for guided by, but who knows how this building soaring exchange for Where did it come to this money and how to get these questions are seeking for answers, though you Termun Tairunhm by others and not transparent and they want to appoint auditors, and there is truth to be revealed to others where the funds come, vehicles and buildings and petty people in the secretariats of loyalty National Conference in each of the Federated States of the Sudan, if the funds were not public coffers this Vliodhawwa people even people know the facts.
We are after all this patience with this scourge Khmaliyn our right to declare our destiny in the report and how the government and I believe that this legal principle and natural protected all religions and laws, as cited by Dr. Cikkm who came to you to judge but you Anglaptm it Kanqlabkm this people become good all due diligence to the end of the day for his children is hungry or sick to abduct important to be found among them, and not in detention and your security personal ghost houses, which you call random national Khalatm such as a national   conference, revealed this.
I Aamlk many talk, but I tell you as Comrade national pride, which pays Botunaith and charity, which you all YOUR WEAPONS dirty, but it increases not only glamorous and us is the companion bridge / Bagan Ammum Aukiq Grille, which made Americans laugh even in the person of the American Chargé d'affaires in Khartoum and on the second Destructions

extinguishing candle to attend immortal leader d immortal. John Garang de Mabior has said to you on this day Bagan (you God Ianas National Congress carried out the terms of the agreement are carried out by Aahidtona) cited any of the Koran until I saw envoy National Congress laugh and embrace Bacan commander at the end of the speech. The suspect has been transferred to you saying Sirte in Sirte Majalskm as commander killed rumor / advance, and this argument says that Bacan near enter Islam and the day will join the National Conference came to you as a friend Mubarak Fadil, it Ahalamkm but we Anmnekm in your right to be However But I think the ceiling of their dreams this very high, but this is the nature of western understanding, they say (if love Adore moon, and if stolen Steal country), or as they say. Astgr me and the great God to you.
I hope that God Alchina lie and that the unity and aspirations of the people of Yearnings National Congress to secede and satisfaction for all of their problems and many Southerners. Because if achieved, I recommend that you contemplate homeland other than this country because the borders of 56 is not the limits of the south, the south's borders are in Luxor in Upper Egypt, thus the maximum indicated in history that has not Taqraoh. Otherwise, manuscripts Pharaohs, Assyrians and the Nuba are written in stone and not in the paper for those who wanted to remember or wanted advice.
And will convey simple Albroov deceived soulful power and swords Umayyad indeed kills and children ascribed to the wisdom and righteousness and guided by the words of the Holy Prophet, who said not very strong, but Babah dream is Mr. Ethics, and that the Koran was created, it is not the area of despotism or elation, but the area of forgiveness and reconciliation and amnesty , and the adequacy of fire Chaltamoha, and burnt by the men, women and children of Sudan.
Stop Iahela killing and deprivation and exclusion and Anjh is not in place. To a statesman should be wise to prevent blood relatives and neighbors, and not these allegations Zadtkm expounded in the body and money.
The Orttm your hunger, poverty and refund to your thinks and unto God that all escape guilt.
We now return to the old room. May, and lived united Sudan free as we found will die in order to remain united even to see him fragmented distinguishing Islamic groups foreign people.

                                      Mayor / Abu Bakr ELJack
                                        The Sultans of the new


                                        Email: [email protected]

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