
Articles and Analysies
Abyei... Amputation of Sedition By: Deng Mulwal
By [unknown placeholder $article.art_field1$]
Aug 13, 2009 - 10:57:43 AM


Abyei... Amputation of Sedition

By: Deng Mulwal


After the PCA ruling it was expected that the Dinka Ngok and Misseriya people will take the streets in joint popular expression of the ruling with their chieftains and sultans to lead and demonstrate their support of coexistence and to cancel the geographical

demarcations and that represents a message that their interest exchange will continue with the same old mechanism before the two partners refer the issue of the area to The Hague .

However, the PCA ruling will remain just an ink in papers if it is not implemented in good faith and transparency considering the interest of each party and the historical relations between the Dinka Ngok and Misseriya to avoid bringing around the issue of secession of the south or its being in a united country as far as there will be a referendum in the near future.

We hereby call for the necessity of transparent dialogue over the issue with flexibility in implementing what is stipulated in the ruling considering the area's components and people.

The Dinka Ngok and Misseriya chieftains and sultans are more aware of the fact on the ground and the neighbourhood in coexistence than any other party in the country.

It goes without saying that the text will remain stagnant unless it is subdued for the benefit of the nation and not for the benefit of an individual or a party.

Abyei could be the right approach for the attractive unity and a model to follow suit in other parts of the country.

Southerners and northerners are urged to refrain from ethnic enmity as this will affect the nation now and in future.

Let the Dinka Ngok and Misseriya live in peace and transform Abyei into an integration area and then everybody will recognize that harmony is existing and that there was no need after all to refer the issue to The Hague .



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