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Articles and Analysies ÇáÕÝÍÉ ÇáÚÑÈíÉ Last Updated: Feb 9, 2010 - 8:42:37 AM

A Unified Sudanese Currency by - Halim Anwar Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub

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A Unified Sudanese Currency

Lets us start by asking the following question:  Will Sudan have one currency or two different currency systems? That is  if   South Sudan were to vote for its independence.

I assure you that it will be two different currencies. Why ? … because this is exactly what the  political leaders of South Sudan will vote for. It is also exactly what the foreign intervention has expected and  is what it will definitely support    100%..

The foreign agenda against Sudan has been and will always be to divide Sudan in all ways and means. Influencing a country’s future plan is the target and the name of the game of the foreign interference.   Imagine, “ The Zionists” have an opportunity to control a part of a country without the so called interference of north Sudan or any other part of Sudan. Please note that the UN, the IMF and World Bank are all under Masonic rule.

Not only that but they have all been created by the Zionist plan. These institutions are part of   “The Zionist”  plan even before the  second   world war started. Why do you think that there are no real accomplishments made by the UN ?  and why do you think that the helmets of the UN soldiers are blue in color with white letters ? This  including the UN Flag. Why should the UN head quarters   be in New York and not in Switzerland, or any other neutral country, in Europe ? How inconvenient this must be for all those who have to travel all the way to New York for UN meetings and assembly’s. Yes we have all been living in an illusion created by a Masonic plan. For us Muslims   human rights in all colors and forms of the word and its meaning and with all the highest ethical standards have had human  rights over 1400 years now. So why are we to follow the UN with  its rules and regulations that have been initiated by the Masonic plan in 1945 which were then further developed and structured according to their further plan and convenience.

Do not ever think that these institutions have been created for the well being of humanity. These are the institutions that influence and control the world politics and   only provide   a negative basis of results and not a positive one. We as Africans can start our own United Nations of Africa since this an African matter of interest. We should also have the United Nations  of Arabia. Why can we not  initiate The New United Nations ? This would be for those who have  had enough   of  the nonsense that has taken place at the existing UN.

Back to South Sudan : Will south Sudan have a different passport  with the  “ New Sudan “ flag printed on them? Will we require a visa for entering South Sudan? Anything is possible when such a division is created.


Let us just take one example of different countries, who speak one language and share practically the same cultures and traditions. For instance,  “The  Gulf  States .Why do you think the Gulf States cannot come to an agreement for a unified single currency. This is mainly because of the negative foreign influence and control of these countries. If they are not under control of the US and the Zionist group, then let them sell their oil quotas to anyone they please and make long term contracts with China instead of the US, etc…

A free market was and is always the best market. Why ? …because    it creates positive market results  no matter what market manipulation exists. At the end of the day, The Free Market System will always win and filter out all those who are not competing according to its rules and regulations.  

Do you believe that the US is desperate for Middle East Crude oil?  No it is  not desperate but the US wants to control the crude oil  in order to create war when they politically require it and also want to control the international market prices how and when they like. For example West Africa is much closer   to America then the Middle East.

For instance Angola has enough crude oil to supply the US market consumption quotas for the next 26 years. That is only one West African country that has oil so how about the other West African countries like Sierra Leone and Gambia,

If the middle east crude oil was a standard   business   transaction,  then why pay so much transport costs if they  can get crude oil from Angola which is practically on the other side of the Atlantic and costs 50% less in transport.

Here is another example of market manipulation. This example will give you   a better picture of a controlled and non free stock market in the Gulf. Take Saudi Arabia as an example. Did it not have a loss of $700 billion, when its stock market  crashed 4 years ago. The simple man who invested into the stock market, lost all his fortunes and future and the wealthy and powerful like Prince Walid bin Tilal, Al Rajhee Group and the other big players made profits. Now you tell me how many times was this stock market   crash mentioned in the Arab news media or even in the world news media. Not more than 3 or 4 times and very briefly. Who profited from the loss of the people? Now count the Saudis that lost fortunes in the stock market crash. “ No exact figures exist or are listed anywhere for that matter ” and do you know why ? … because the people who lost have no voices to be heard. This problem was simply buried in the Saudi desert. Don’t think that the Americans didn’t get their profit share from this deal.

Do you know why this  happened  ? It happened because it is a controlled stock market and a controlled banking system. This control belongs to the Saudi Government and the Saudi Government is closely observed and controlled by the US Government.

In nearly   all   central bank in the Gulf States you find 2   or more US Federal Bank officers appointed by the US government to observe all internal monetary movement including computerized monetary movements. This is a fact that cannot be denied.

Therefore a “free market, that is under  no  control but only under regulations is the market that is a well balanced and fair market. All the other options are a waste of time and always result to economic chaos similar to   the existing global economic chaos.

If the Gulf countries join their economic power to start with a unified single currency then, this would mean a Gulf Economic Union with one Economic Development   Board. This means one monetary union in the real economic sense and practice.   An economic power  that is as powerful  as the European Union.

If the  Gulf States had a real existing free market, then no government  or even a powerful company working on behalf of the government   directly or indirectly could  influence   or try to control or manipulate the market. It would be impossible to manipulate the market and only then would the required positive market balance take place.

Do you really believe    “The Zionist”  plan for the middle east includes an Arab Monetary Union ?  Of course  not.

But the truth is, if one Gulf Monetary Union takes place then these countries will automatically have a real union because they are then all in one economic ship that   cannot be abandoned or even afford to let part of the ship sink in a stormy weather.        “ Here we mean a stormy economic weather “.

Imagine   a Gulf Economic Union with a single currency. This will eliminate economic boarders and create easier business establishments, which means,  no residency problems, no company establishment bureaucracies, no time delays or even useless over priced establishment fees, etc.   Business competition and positive development will blossom all over the Gulf States in a more dynamic way.

A Gulf Economic Union with one single monetary union will lead to the most positive business competition you can ever imagine for the Gulf States. This way you will have the young and old competing with each other to achieve more positive business goals. Of course there will be the minority of rotten onions that will try to manipulate the situation here and there but the law would take care of those in a manner that will satisfy the general public. This way we eradicate any and all minor damages made or intended.


The  real   economic problem you have in the Gulf States is the lack of a single currency and nothing else. Why does the single currency not yet exist in the Gulf States ? There are many details to the answer but mainly because an egoistic and envious way of thinking still exists ,  The usual problems   like  “I am better than him or her and why should  I give him or her the opportunity to overtake me or be better than me”. The same old useless ego - nomics   and not economics. This is a serious ego problem that existed throughout history and has put man kind in situations of regret.

The best deal has always been the following “ Free competition  in the race of economic prosperity”. Because that is the only time you can truly bring out the good and the best in the people, especially the young people. This way you eradicate laziness or total dependency on others. This way you will also have a more active society.

When we say active we mean more movement towards economic achievement. Economics is all about free and constant market movement including the main movement factor which is freedom of alternative choices.

All the young generation    have dreams and most of them are definitely good dreams and targets but they are all waiting for their leaders to give them that certain opportunity.

This does not mean that the leaders are not providing opportunity. No, they are but they “ The Leaders “ should provide more opportunities by developing a variety of more sophisticated economic platforms. From these said platforms which are to a more sophisticated structure for educational and job training programs.

This will activate very high international standards of professional and well trained people. Look at the existing illiteracy rate and unemployment rate in all the Arab countries. Governments should provide more educational and job training programs      “ free of charge” to their people. For example 25 % of the total  Government budget should be dedicated for this purpose. Investing in the Future generation provides a guarantee of a better economic situation.

Now add the above concept of a Gulf Monetary Union to a single Arab Monetary Union.  This does not only suggest    a monetary union of The  Gulf States alone, but to include all Arab countries. Can you imagine what such a powerful economic union would achieve.  

People reading this article will now start saying  how can we do this  and how can we secure such a system in order to live in such a state of Arab Union…. and that this is nothing but a dream. It can be accomplished if the Arab Leaders sincerely want to make it happen. The question is “ Do they want to make it happen ? “.  

Now how many of those Arab Leaders work for the  Zionist  Group and how many Arab  Leaders are real Arab patriots ? Who are the Arab leaders who want to dedicate their Life  for a unified Arab cause? Everyone can start pointing fingers at all directions but that will not solve the problem.

Under an Arab Monetary Union you automatically have One Arab Economic Board. The minute one of the members starts to even think of manipulating a situation for a personal or political favor or target then the observation committee will immediately take care of this problem.

This is   the real solution , and the presidency of such an Arab Economic Board of the Monetary Union will rotate on a 4 year basis. The European union is working on this basis then, why  should we not be able to do so too.

If all  Arab  countries joint as one force with their more than sufficient resources should that be it funds, natural resources or human resources then every economic movement becomes very clear under one union and all Arab countries    become a joint force for one common cause. One powerful economic ship that cannot afford to have any of its members or passengers drown.

Now tell me, why are the Europeans able to form a single monetary union, and why can we not accomplish the same type of Economic Monetary Union ? We have all the necessary professionals who are specialized in all different sectors. We also have all the leaders who have  their children that  could and should  ask them the following “ why do we not   take the step towards an Arab Monetary Union ? Is this not our future and the future of our children?

Do we not have the will to become a more developed Arab and African Union.  After the European Monetary Union we will definitely see an Asian Monetary Union.

If the sons and daughters of these leaders believe that they will inherit power anyway and that day to day business should continue as is, then they will lead their countries to chaos. That is a fact. Times have changed and the international market will only be able to exist in Single Monetary Unions. European, Asian, African, Arab including East European countries with their Head Quarters in Moscow.


If people are worried about public and economic security measures then there are many methods to have people respect and obey the law. This is meant in a positive and    humane manner. We are now living in a world of highly developed  technology. This technology can be used positively to safeguard a calm and secure society.


The moment we take that step of an Arab Monetary Union then that would be the minute we start solving our problems. How? By implementing the best strategy and professional management teams   for the natural resource wealth that is worth trillions of Euros including the human resources wealth that we have and that is over 1 billion human beings.

This    shall make us a unified power that no one can  play with. Don’t tell me that it cannot be done because it can and it must be done because there is no other choice.

The unification of a monetary system would immediately eliminate foreign intervention. Now include the other Islamic countries that will automatically join us    when we   have a Arab Monetary Union.  

In simple terms, let us consider we all live in a very big house or a very big palace. Will we not automatically take care of this building and the people who live in this   building or home will secure it as is required to survive in a more ethical and developed manner.

Let me tell you a rather  negative story of a private palace. This is a true story. A mother and her 2 sons living in a palace in one of the Gulf countries have a service staff of over 35 people. Now why would 3 people need 35 people to serve them?  

Anyone will agree that this is wasted money and exactly the example that the public does not need to look up to. No matter how rich a person may be, this equation is a sad story. If you are wondering where the father is  “ He lives in his own palace”. No need to comment any further.

Let us now look at the African continent with the eyes of economics. Don’t forget that an African Monetary Union would be the most powerful economic union on earth. This is due to Africa’s extremely rich and abundant quantity of natural resources.

Therefore we as a Sudanese people should consider ourselves a very lucky people because we have both Africa and Arabia. At the end of the day we are all neighbors and should live as neighbors. Neighbors should share and protect each other’s resources. Only then do we have the joint power to succeed.

I will go into more details of such a monetary union in a separate article. This will be a proposed solution for the short , medium and long term plan.

Let  us  now go back to a single currency for Sudan and not  to a  two different currency project or system. As I mentioned in my Article “ The Decade of 2010 to 2020 “ that three quarters of the crude oil quantity is in the north of Sudan and only one quarter is in the South.

If the South Sudanese government makes an intelligent decision   to stay unified then we can establish our   National   Sovereign Investment Fund  to secure the swift and unified development program of our country. But the moment South Sudan decides to become independent, then it is best that South Sudan keeps the existing oil fields in the South and we   the North of Sudan  should concentrate on the drilling and production of the crude oil   and other natural resources. Why ?... because the moment south Sudan decides to go for independence you can forget about the oil fields in south Sudan. It is either that, or you can expect nothing but   tragic war.

This point should not be taken lightly    but as a very serious point to consider very carefully for the future of a people depends on political decisions. But if politicians cannot make the right decisions for the well being of the people then we the people have the right to choose   a new leadership.

In my view these important political decisions should not only be made by a government but also by the people of   Sudan. Are the people taking part in the decisions that concern their future and the future of their children or family ?  No, they are not… and why not ?  because the government does not let them have that freedom. Elections after 20 years of power  under the control of one group of people who are actually the minority is     an empty promise. This coming election    is based on a useless power struggle and is    loaded with nothing but further poverty and injustice to the people.

South Sudan : I guarantee you one thing and that is  south Sudan can forget about its development plans under a free vote to independence  . Why ?.. because the moment South Sudan votes for independence you will find that the different south Sudanese tribes and political parties will eliminate each other within less than 5 years. Why ? …because all different tribes will be fully provided with weapons and cash from the foreign enemy   which will be the main cause of disagreements and then war will be ignited on the wealth sharing argument.

Such problems of disagreement based on wealth sharing problems already exist. Do we now all understand what the Masonic plan is for Sudan?

Do our brothers and sisters in South Sudan truly believe that the foreign enemy will let South Sudan for example develop or   build the best financial offshore or tax free zone in Africa. It should now be clear to all that this will never happen in a divided country.

Does the south Sudanese government and all the educated south Sudanese brothers and sisters really believe that there will be an equal share of wealth in south Sudan when it becomes  an independent country of its own . Please let us get back to reality. If the foreign enemy did not let us live in peace as a unified Sudan,  “ as in one country of 2 million square miles“, then do you really   believe that south Sudan will survive without north, east and west Sudan ?

Is the answer not clear and do the people not see what south Sudan has been supported to do over the years. No part of Sudan can survive without the other, no matter how intelligent or powerful that part of the country feels or believes it is.


Let me highlight the following words regarding a lecture given by Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub on December 25th in 1940. That is 16 years before Sudan regained its independence. The title of the Lecture is “ The possibility of fusion between Eastern and Western Culture” It stars like this “:  A century ago Rudyard Kipling sang :          Oh, East is East, and West is West and never the twain shall meet …

The first paragraph of this lecture writes the following :

{This was at a time when man could live a self – sufficient life, when the family, tribe or nation could live selfishly, with utter indifference to the fate of other families or tribes or nations. Nations might suffer or prosper, be destroyed or destroy: their fate did not necessarily involve others. But with the present progress of science and of modern technology, with the advent of the machine or power age, the rail,   the  aeroplane, the wireless and a number of other inventions. All this changed. A war in the Far East between Japan and China will certainly have its affect on nations in the far west. The relations of all civilized nations have become so close that that it has become impossible to find a nation that depends on her own resources to maintain a peaceful and happy life}.

Now when this was written 69 years ago by a man of clear vision who needs no introduction, then tell me, what have we accomplished since then as a united Sudan ? After 69 years of such a lecture   that highlighted  the  true ethical meaning of globalization which is the same globalization topic that is being so widely debated for the last 12 years, then why are the people now even talking about a south and north Sudan division. A Book by the Title of “Globalization Trap” was published in 25 different languages including Arabic. That was also 12 years ago. This book started by mentioning a meeting of most powerful and most richest people on earth. They all met to activate the 20/80 system of world power. Which means 20 % of the   richest people on earth are to rule the remaining 80 %.   Gorbachov was also one of those who took part in this meeting that was at a certain luxury hotel in San Francisco. This is also a good example of   kind of Democracy Gorbachov supported. These examples show us what a world of dangerous illusion many presidents and world leaders take part in.



To those who want a complete copy of the said lecture Of Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub which comprises of approximately 7 pages, then please send me an email and I will be glad to send you a copy of this 1940 lecture in both English and Arabic language. A copy will also be published in the same newspapers that are  now publishing my articles in and outside Sudan.

Please Note : The first part of the Masonic plan anywhere in the world has  always been to plant deep hatred into the hearts of two different races, tribes or families, etc.

Even if takes decades to accomplish. Don’t forget they want to rule the world. You see the Zionists don’t have to come wearing their Jewish clothes to control or manipulate the country they have in mind or on their list of planned time schedules.

I will give you an example that happened in Sudan. The crude oil company Talisman was under so much pressure from different international organizations not for human rights reasons as the media blended in, but because of   an internal Zionist business disagreement. All the top crude oil companies of the western world including some middle - eastern oil companies are controlled by Zionist power. “ directly and indirectly”.

Do you really believe    that the Indian company  that   bought the oil share “ concession” of Talisman   in Sudan is Indian money ? No, it is not Indian money but Zionist money and the Zionists let the  Indians buy that  crude oil share on behalf of    them :

“ The Zionists “. That share of our crude oil is since then being delivered to Israel.  

Let us go one step into the house of Zionist power and manipulation tactics. Israel has sold weapons to India for the last 10 years for a total of   $ 10 billion.

Now let us look at the amount that  the Indian company paid for Talisman’s crude oil concession in Sudan. It is approximately   $ 780 million. What was the share of the Sudanese nation in this transaction and does the government of Al Bashir know about this fact  of “Dummy companies “ that have accomplished deals for a Zionist cause?

Look at the similarity of the following names.: Talis man, Gold man, Leh man. All pure Jewish names. To be more exact German Jews or better said the Jews who lived in Germany before world war two. Do you think that this is  coincidence?

Goldman is   for Goldman Sachs and Lehman is for Lehman Brothers , both are American Investment Banks and are nothing but political tools. Add RothChild to these Jewish German names. RothChild in German language means the Red Sign. They all lived in Germany before the second world war.

RothChild owns over 80 %   of the land in the   state of Israel. RothChild controls the Bank of England. RotChild financed the British government to   send their army to Palestine because England was bankrupt after the second world war.

RothChild is also a  financial consultant to a couple of Gulf governments , etc…

German Jews speak Yiddish which is a mixture of German and Hebrew language. Also known as a Biblical language of   Hebrew and Aramaic. Yiddish primarily the spoken language of Ashkenzai   Jews.  They are not originally German but lived in Germany for a very long time until Hitler made them flee Germany.

The intelligence of the Zionist world order is to always complete their business on the platform of the legal system which they  create and control. Why? …so nobody can say that they broke the law or even ask them what they are doing. That is even if they break the law or disrespect it.

The number one rule  for the Zionists is to rule the King or the President or those who are close to the President of a certain country should that already be a divided country or a country that has not yet been divided. Don’t forget their plans are not short term plans. Then they start manipulating the people of that country through control of the government or control of very powerful people in the government.

I repeat: do not forget    that the Masonic plans are not short term plans and that  they are always long term plans. Here is one more disturbing fact. The gay rights and marriages that are now coming to be a fact of life in the Western world are scary changes   of society. Gay people can now have legal marriages and are now also looking into the matter of adopting children and inheritance laws.

Do you believe that these new facts of life came from the gay   movement ?   Of course not. Who supported the gay movement with its invisible hand? They came and were put into the legal system by the Zionists in order to destroy   a certain society.

The equation is: In order to destroy a country you have to destroy its ethical principles and religion. In the sector of religion    “ The Zionists” usually use extremist sects or groups and you can also call them fundamentalists.

This method of manipulation is used in countries where people are known to have a bad temper or natural blind trust and dedication based on strong religious belief and background. The Middle - East and other Muslim countries. What has fundamentalism or extremism brought to any of the countries that they exist in ? Nothing but  Poverty ” and social unrest. A complete detailed article on this subject will be published soon.


In the western world gay marriages would have never existed in the 1930s , 40’s, 50’s,  60,s 70 or 80’s and do you  know why? Because it  was not   and is not a normal behavior or ethical standard and should never be considered as normal. These unethical   laws started to appear in the 90’s.  

For example today the Foreign Minister of Germany    is a gay.  This Minister celebrated his new position in public with his gay partner. The Governor of Berlin shares the same unethical human dilemma. It is supposed to become a norm of society.

This fact of life has become    a    standard procedure in the Masonic plan and that is         “normal ethical standards are to disappear with the years  in exchange of new unethical rules to exist for society”. That ladies and gentlemen is the real danger.

Gay women marriages have also taken place. Not only that but also adoption and inheritance rights. Can you imagine, the poor helpless children that have been adopted to such a life.. What will this create ?   A very destructive program for society, built on unethical rules and regulations. The product and trade of the Devil is being marketed in this world by his army of worshippers. Do you actually believe that people who are marketing and supporting these inhumane conspiracies are worshipping God or follow the Heavenly Books? Not in a million years.

In Europe, the Masonic plan is to destroy the ethical standards first, because belief and religion have become weak in European and western society. In the Middle East the program it is to destroy society through the creation of   extremism also known as fundamentalism which is the created  fabrication of the story for the west to wage a  war on the Muslims. The   war on terror” and then taking charge of their educational development. This means taking control of the Ministry of Education in different Arab countries. Don’t forget, this has already  happened in a couple of Arabic countries and don’t forget the words of Bush    You are either with us or against us “. Bringing such a character to become a US president is an insult to human intelligence. He would have never made it past the door of the white house should it not have been for his father. The Bush Family is of course nothing but another member of the international Masonic group also known as “The Club” and  “ For Members only “ or also known as “ The Untouchables”.

These people forget that there is a government that belongs to God the creator of all mankind and every being. Gods Army, are the Angles and they are stronger than any living thing that thinks it is powerful.




Another scary example that happened in Europe was, the tragic  death of one of the Minister’s in Germany by the name of Moelleman. He belonged to the FDP party.

This Minister died in a very mysterious way. He was a hobby parachutist and was known as talented in this sport that he Loved. Anyway, Moelleman started to attack the Jews verbally. Basically saying,  that the Germans have had enough of the Jewish manipulation tactics of Germany.

This is because since 1945, Germany is paying a lot of money to Israel for the war crimes against the Jews, and  that Israel is still coming with different stories and excuses based on the second world war. This is,  to  get  more money out of the German Government. In the first term of Chancellor Schroeder the German Government paid 5 billion Deutsche Mark and the private sector “ the large German corporations also paid 5 billion Deutsche Mark to Israel. The Euro was not yet an official paper currency.

Moelleman was furious and as a well known German patriot  even printed a small flyer stating his points. I don’t know exactly how many weeks this disagreement   continued but Moelleman was one day reported dead.  How ? The official report said there was a problem with his parachute that did not open while Moelleman was on one of his parachuting sky jumps. Imagine, a German man in his mid 50’s with over how many years of parachuting experience. His parachute did not open. What a sad and dangerous story.

The story was on the media for a very short while and then his name vanished from the media totally although he was a top politician and known as a highly intelligent and courageous man with an excellent political career behind him. One of the excuses that made Moelleman angry was the issue of “Degussa” of Frankfurt. This is one of the biggest gold refinery companies in Europe.

Israel pointed out as a legal excuse, that in the 2nd world war the gold teeth of the Jews killed in concentration camps were pulled out, gathered together and sent to Degussa to refine into gold bars. What a scary and sick imagination. They made Degussa pay over 100 million Deutsche Mark. Now is that not typical inhumane Zionist manipulation tactics. I can bet you that the Chairman of Degussa gets a fit every time he just remembers this payment.

What I am trying to explain in the above paragraphs, is that if the Zionists have such world power of deceptive manipulation due to the Government Officials of many Governments working on their pay list   then do you think they do not have the power to manipulate South Sudan as an independent country or even as a unified Sudan.


I guarantee you, if  the time should come that the Zionists will intend to send a professional special force commando group like Black Water to south Sudan the believe me they would be able to take over the South Sudanese Government blindfolded. This could  happen  in less than 3 hours starting from when they land   in   Juba at 3 in morning while everybody is sleeping or while everybody is fully drunk from the nightlife that these days has taken over Juba. Let us hope this never happens.

Don’t you remember the US attack on   Al Shiffa company in Khartoum North. Not even the Sudanese Government is sure until this day, if the rockets that hit   Al Shiffa were long range missile rockets that were sent with high tech from a US Navy ship   in the Red Sea area or if F - 16s flying over Sudanese air space shot these missile rockets.

Something real funny   did happen 3 days after Al Shiffaa was hit. A group of government officials got on to their cars to go and see the site of Al Shiffa. Believe it or not, this group of cars was driving around in Khartoum North for an hour before finding the site. They could not even locate the site by car in their own country. This information I got from one of the people who was  part of the people in these cars going to Al Shiffa that day. And you want to tell me that we have a powerful defense system and they     cannot take over a divided country or even a united country. Their plan is to divide and then rule.

No disrespect to anyone but fact is fact and let us not try and become the cowboys of Africa because it is enough the destruction   that we already have in this world through the Texas cowboys working for the Masonic invisible hand. Yes, Bush and his gang.

An important question:        Is the Cowboy hat the Vice President  Salva Kiir wearing, a sign of belonging to the group of the Texas cowboys? or  is he just a man of international fashion ? John Garang was definitely a political leader “ no matter what military background he had” John Garang would never have let the foreign intervention play with the future of south Sudan but Salva Kiir is definitely not the man for the job.

There are other south Sudanese brothers and sisters who are much more capable of doing a better job. Why ? …because you cannot as a President of South Sudan let some people enjoy their time watching a beauty contest in Juba while other south Sudanese have not been paid their salaries for 6 month. Not only that but also because the majority of the south Sudanese living in the South or north Sudan have seen nothing of the wealth sharing since the war has stopped and the peace agreement has been signed.

The south Sudanese government has received lots of money from the central government and from  foreign investors. Now where exactly is that money? How come the majority of the south Sudanese are still living in poverty ?  

Mr Vice President of Sudan and also Mr President of South Sudan : There are many ways of developing more money from money and then a fair share of that money must be distributed to all south Sudanese brothers and sisters. Favors that are based on belonging to a certain tribe or a group of friends should not exist. Do you really Love and care for   all the South Sudanese people without tribal differences or limitations ? The South Sudanese people can answer this   question for themselves best.

Our dear South Sudanese brothers and   sisters. I have personally never ever had a problem with any south Sudanese. We have studied in schools together since primary schools and high schools where the south Sudanese were obviously the basketball players when it comes to sports.

For example they were a very crucial and important part of the basketball teams and we all supported them and the other players as one team. Never once did I see or have a problem with any south Sudanese brother or sister.

The house I grew up in had servants from North Sudan, West Sudan and South Sudan and here I  also   never saw any misunderstandings or fights between these people of different background and race. What I saw, was    different people, from different tribes and race, eating together, working together and also laughing together.

I am definitely not the only person with these experiences and many Sudanese from all parts of Sudan have had similar positive experiences.  Unfortunately,  there also so many who have been sent to war from both north and south Sudan. Also many who through the war have seen nothing but misery and humane breach of Trust.

The war between north and south Sudan has never been a war of the people but a war of the governments and the war of politicians who had their own personal and foreign agenda. The war problem in Sudan and why it has been created has been clearly explained in my article “  The Decade 2010 to 2020”.

Now let us go back to the title of this article “ A unified Sudanese currency “. I   have given this article its said title because I want to speak about the coming one world currency. You can also say the intended plan for a one world currency. This is a plan intended by the West, so let us not take this matter lightly.

We already have the Euro that exists in different countries of different people with different languages and different cultures, etc. But they all have a common economy supported by the Euro. All the boarders went down and now you can travel by plane, by car or by train, needing only    your ID card when moving from country to country. No need for a passport. This is the first real experiment of a unified currency that has taken place outside the USA.

The USA is a continent for itself and has many different states “ these states  you can consider small European countries as in size” and then there are the different people with different backgrounds and cultures living together. They all have two things in common, one common language and one currency.

The USA has now come to such a bad economic situation because of its currency problem. Why ?... because many governments do not trust in the dollar anymore. Why ?... because the dollar practically has no value as a currency and is causing economic difficulties in many countries due to their number one hard currency choice as a reserve currency.

The dollar that has on it written,   “In God we Trust”. Now that is very true in one sense and meaning and that is   “ In God we should all trust “ but not in the dollar.

It is expected that on a worst case scenario “ in the existing global economic crises “, that the dollar will be cancelled and a new currency is to be established. The new currency is to be given a new name “The Amero”. This is to be established under the NAFTA treaty of Mexico , USA and Canada. Please note that the NAFTA treaty was fully complete and activate as a legal binding agreement at the end of January 2008. Before that it was all an idea and a lot of paper work of how it might best work.

This way all three countries will jointly be like the European Monetary Union. Only this time, they will be  existing on the other side of the Atlantic. The minute the USA cancels the   Dollar then the foreign debt is automatically cancelled.  Why ? because you cannot ask for a debt to be paid back by a cancelled  currency.

It is like defaulting on a very big loan that can practically never be paid back. Have   you ever seen a government pay back its debts or better said been taken to court for such a matter. The only country that did pay back its foreign debt was Russia and that was a very intelligent move by Putin.

The only country the USA cannot play with in a  worst case scenario is China. Why? because it owes China $4 trillion and China is not a country to play with.

The reality of this scenario is the development of a new currency “ The Amero” . It has been said that a secret meeting has taken place behind closed doors between the USA and China. It is said that at the beginning  of October 2008 President Bush and his financial experts had a meeting in China regarding the new US Currency   “The Amero”.

The US agreed with China that it will print 800 billion Amero’s and that 50 % of the printed money will belong to China. This way the US will avoid an economic war with China when it cancels the dollar.

The US will have no debts   when eliminating the US dollar and the 400 billion Amero’s will be enough to start a new page of a new US economy.

The US will Simply say, let us   forget about the past and start a new page because otherwise we don’t have a future if we continue trying to bail out the economic that has a minus of $11 trillion. No country in the world has so many debts like the USA.

The information regarding the “Amero” until now is supposedly only a rumor but usually where there is smoke there should be fire. Here specifically the fire means that someone is thinking about such an alternative and that someone is definitely a government or governments.

All the economical facts point to something very similar that is going to happen because the US and its allies have no choice, they are all   drowning in debts.

Do   you really think, that the economic crises is over. It has not even really started, I assure you that. What we have seen until now in the economic crises was just the beginning.

It could be solved if world leaders make the correct decisions, but until now they are all buying time and making the same mistakes. This will lead to nothing but chaos, social unrest and war. They have to be very careful and they must make their most important priority to concentrate on is to “ solve the global economic crises “.

Throughout history and until this date, nearly all governments have done    one common thing    and that is to protect themselves and their interests and not the people’s interest.

If you look at the pending currency crises which is also called an economic crises taking place in the US, then why should they not take such an alternative as to cancel the dollar or devalue their currency in order to issue a new print with a new value.

Let me just highlight one very important point  and that is we are in a global currency crises because the people have lost trust in their own currencies, their own governments, the same governments that have mismanaged public funds and on top of that, most of the countries if not all have lost their trust in the dollar. Most of all the politics behind the dollar has existed for the past 40 years as a major reserve currency.

You want to know something else that is now    very embarrassing   to many governments. The   US dollar has done nothing but cheated all these nations all these years.  All the promises made by the US to all these governments were never fulfilled and all these governments did nothing but pile up their hard currency reserves in dollars. Some of them still do and I really don’t understand why they still believe in the dollar under such negative circumstances.

Do you know that a single Gulf or  Arab or African monetary union would be more valuable than any other currency just  simply by pledging all the natural resources to such a monetary union.

The currency that everyone was betting on,   instead of gold was   the dollar and in some countries still is the dollar. That is why    “the seeing and   believing tactics” in politics can be a very deceiving fact when it comes to manipulation.

Who in his practical calculations of economic reality will bet on paper instead of gold and especially paper that is worth nothing but empty promises. A currency has written on it “ I promise to pay”   the bearer of this paper a certain amount. Before it was in gold and silver and now it is in empty promises.

Everybody reading  this   article should  now start looking around them before they find a mirror and see themselves. This is the usual human reaction “trying to blame someone or something for their mistakes”. It is the easiest way out and a natural human instinct.

It is therefore that I am saying a One World Currency is not far away and is much closer than what a lot of people might think.

There is no doubt we will see a new one world currency. This is the natural next step in the evolution process of “Okinomikos “the Greek word for economics.

In the old days economics was explained and understood as follows : “ How to manage your estate including your wife and slaves “. This also meant how to regulate your household. Now let us focus on this old meaning of the word economics and compare that meaning to what is happening today. Is there really a big difference in this meaning since those days and these days?    

Governments manage their estate “their own  interest “ including  their wives                         women’s rights “ and here we want to clarify women’s rights as   “ women’s limitations that have been carried out by governments “ and then there are the slaves  and these are represented by   the general public      “ the people “.  

Not being in chains or beaten by whips does not mean that the people are not treated like slaves. Let us say slaves of the modern times with modern methods.

For most governments the people resemble one thing only and that is simply useful clients for the Government Treasury.  The people represent the money makers who at the end of the day pay the government and the economic institutions under the control of the government. There are also the   rules and regulations that have  the general public  of the country running around trying to survive on a daily basis.


Tax her, tax there, charges here and fees there, making daily life become  more expensive and more hectic. This results to people becoming sick due to stress and fatigue. This way you have the pharmaceutical industry satisfied. These are some of  powerful corporations that work hand in hand with the governments. The bosses of pharmaceutical industry have only one target and that is to keep you sick and never give the complete remedy.

The  best client for any government, was the people living in that country. It is exactly like a bank. If the bank didn’t have clients it would have no money at all. Now, where are our rights as a people of a country. The people who have been convincing the general public to keep their money with the banks because   with the excuse of the bank being the safest place to keep your money are the same people taking the general public for a right. For example look at news headlines for the past two month. Italy has allocated over 800 billion Euros in tax evasion. “

Now where on earth can you allocate that kind of money ? Not only that they expect to find more offshore accounts. Obama issues a statement regarding a New Global Banking Tax. Three weeks later the Financial Times of London brings a first page head line saying “ New Global banking tax has been agreed to. “ OK now if you are going to tax banks then the banks will start taxing the people “ How  else do you think the banks will be able to pay this new tax schedule?

 Greece has a debt of 300 billion Euros and Spain is issuing Treasuries of 50 Billion Euros and more although Spain has the highest unemployment rate in all of Europe. Are these leaders crazy or simply not living with us on the same planet or maybe they have a joint global plan. Because the way matters look you can expect nothing but revolutions on a global scale. “The Revolution of the Hungry .“

Money is power so it is best to keep it under your direct control. More and more people in Europe and the USA are hiding their money at home or buying gold coins because they are starting not to trust their governments. Governments have realized that and that is why they have started the   Tax Hunting Season “. This is the part that hurts the ears of the Zionists and their followers and that is why they are planning to accomplish two main steps in society. One is to delete paper money and have all payments made in electronic money and the second is to implant an electronic chip into as many people as possible. Here again don’t forget that Zionists have long term plans. They have been preparing for this for the past 45 years.



Look at our international banking system. We are all happy that we have ATMs, Credit Cards and online Banking which are all very useful no doubt about that but that means they know exactly how much you have and where you spend it. Now the next stage is electronic payments to become the most standard payment method and then wiping out paper money. When Hollywood creates science fiction films it is not to only entertain you but to prepare you of what is coming. If we do not stop this madness very soon it will be too late for our children that will become automatic slaves to a fully controlled society. “A Total Police State” also known as The Totalitarian State.

If you want to read a book on facts written by an American who worked for the intelligence community you should read a book by the title “ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”. The Author is John Perkins and in his book he reveals the shocking inside story of how America really took over the world.

Let us go back the currency subject :   Until 1971, the world for the most part, relied upon gold as money. It was the neutral store of wealth that was recognized around the world. There were times were the gold standard was suspended such as during the American civil war.

There were also times in history were countries adopted a silver standard because they had too little gold to create a viable money supply domestically. This was in China and in Mexico during the last quarter – century of the 1800’s.

There was always the suspension of the gold standard during periods of war, but for now let us exclude this point of discussion.

Since 2007 there has been a rising discontent politically behind closed doors where some of the loud voices and noise is filtering through.

Both China and Russia are raising the question about the dollar and its global reserve currency status. China has even requested a guarantee for its $ 4trillion reserve so it will not be just devalued by spendthrift,   “US domestic” stimulus packages.

Just as China is now requesting a “guarantee”,  so did Britain in 1971 and that fueled the closing of the gold window by Nixon. History does repeat itself.


There will be no avoiding of the One World Currency no matter what is said and done because that is exactly what the gold standard of currency was. So we are back to point A. We have always had a one world currency meaning Gold.


There is also a lot of talk in this subject regarding a one world government and the Anti Christ will be in   charge of the one world currency and a lot of other conspiracy nonsense.   The real Economic Anti Christ is definitely   Karl Marx and his posterity are organized governments who follow Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand “. They have developed nothing but the self interest of an economic theory to dictate more and more power needed to control the population. Look at the global Governments and their existing programs . There lies the true threat to the liberty of the people.


For now, the   real problem we have is that the floating exchange rate system is causing economic distress that may break the back of each average person. For example : On the one hand the USA wants to be the world leader and on the other hand it wants freedom to expand Marxism to create a social state. Either the US abandons the world leader nonsense and worry about its own domestic problems or we abandon ourselves because the world leaders   will   tell us nothing else but   “ you people must suffer further because we the politicians want to play who is King of the mountain”.


The real question is : How do we retain sovereignty for domestic policy and at the same time respect the views of those outside our country. The idea of the SDR “ Special Drawing Rights “ at the IMF, will not work. The IMF lacks the integrity and long known behind closed doors for being an economic prostitute that can be bought. Those put in charge would be subject to favorite appointments, and this would yield sovereignty to an agency that is just not trust – worthy.

So how do we create a new world monetary system that is still viable, retains individualism among nations, and reduces the threat of global war be it either physical or economic? The answer is to create a new Central World bank like the   European Central Bank where the head or president term of 4 years rotates among nations, rather than appointments from private investment banks groomed and prepared specifically for the job.

We do not need a single currency used in each nation locally, but a two - tier currency system where international payments are only filtered. A two – tier currency system would allow us to retain the individual sovereignty that embraces the “ culture “ of each nation and simultaneously create accountability among nations.

The whole problem of   Bretton Woods in 1944 was that set up the US dollar as the reserve currency and this was inflexible and polluted the world economy causing it to suffer. The results are now very clear.

Bretten Woods was a total failure because it did not recognize that no matter what the nation, politicians always spend more than what they have. It was always the same old story they could only re-elect themselves by promising presents and cash to the people.

Bretton Woods fixed the dollar to $35 of gold but it did not count to domestic policy interfering with international stability. If politicians stood up for office promising new spending programs, they did not consider the impact upon the supply of dollars relative to gold.

Had gold been allowed to float, then perhaps the domestic policies would not have exported to the global economy that let (1) the establishment of a two – tier   gold standard in 1968 when gold began to trade in the London Metals Exchange establishing a “ Free Market Price “ for gold that rose to $42 at one point and the official standard between nations of $35 (2) the entire collapse of the gold standard in 1971. Now do you see what the 1971 eradication of the gold standard activated by Nixon and his gang.

Instead of gold standard they let have the dollar standard and told us the international community to forget about the gold. This is the biggest Ponzi fraud  deal offered to the global market  since 1971 and today we are   all paying the price “ The existing global currency crises”.

When the new one world currency does take place then we cannot design a system that sounds nice, but has no possible hope of long term survivability. It must be practical or we will end up with the same global currency crises that we have now.

To be practical, governments will not surrender their sovereignty to some,   “one   world government”. The notions of global conspiracy theories are not remotely even possible unless there was a major global war and all governments no longer existed. That the extreme circumstance set aside along with visions of the Illuminati, Masonic plan or Zionist agenda or whatever else they are called, neither the people nor the politicians would ever surrender all their individuality, culture or customs to any type of central control. It simply cannot happen and that is the good news we have against the Zionist or Masonic plan.

We must respect that there has always been one reserve currency since ancient times. Even during the dark ages of the Western Europe, still it was the currency of the Byzantine Empire that circulated and was the only minted gold coin that circulated among the various regions of the world. While the formal name was the gold “ solidus”. The slang name became known as” Byzant” as we now call the European Currency the Euro.

The Byzantine “gold Byzant” became the world currency throughout the dark ages as much as the dollar or the euro is circulating is Russia, Asia or South America.The power to create money has long been a symbol of wealth and power.

The question of creating one world currency is political. By accepting the dollar as a reserve currency makes the economy of other countries in a high risk position. Politicians all over the world usually lack the understanding of history and lack the incentive beyond the next election to even contemplate a long term solution.


What we need to secure is global trade to prevent going back into a war period created by a lack of international cooperation. So how about we first have a national union and  cooperation?  We need international trade just as we need human interaction. Our goals have to be practical.


Now Ladies and Gentlemen, are we going to have a Unified Sudanese Currency or are we going to go back to   division and war ?


Unification in all its positive ways and means must be secured.


Your Brother : Abdel - Halim Anwar Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub

February 3rd 2010



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