
Articles and Analysies
Abdul Wahid and old Sudan/Izzadin Abdul
By [unknown placeholder $article.art_field1$]
Jul 20, 2006 - 3:08:00 PM


Citizen Wednesday, July 19,2006


Abdul Wahid and old Sudan


The leader of Sudan Liberation Army, Abdul Wahid Mohamed Nur called our reporter and told him that he is not fighting to get the post of the vice president of the Sudan,�� I the full right to be the president of Sudan �� he said.

The remark shocked the people who inherited the rule of Sudan from the external colonialists; but his argument is clear.

Sudan will never be at peace with itself or with the world unless the power shifts the to Citizens of the marginalized regions.

Democratically, Abdul Wahid is the future president of the Sudan. If we formed rainbow coalition, we will take power through the democratic process by a landslide victory. Sudan will not see peace unless our leaders like Abdul Wahid enter the hall of power in Sudan. This very serious demand and those who are in the halls of power should understand that the current wars were caused by injustice created by the ruler. The Presidency is the gateway for resolving the crisis and Sudan�s face will finally look civilized when the power shifts to Darfur, Southern Sudan, Southern Blue Nile, Eastern Sudan and Nuba Mountains. We want power, the agenda is power and Abdul Wahid is right to fight for Presidency. There is nothing in the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA). DPA is not a solution because it failed to adequately address the issue of power sharing. If the people of Darfur are denied the Presidency, they should opt to create a third Nation of the Sudan to be compromised of Darfur , Southern Blue Nile , Nuba Mountains and Eastern Sudan. Southern Sudan may vote for its� independence in 2011 and seek a confederation arrangement with the other newly independent parts of the old Sudan. Abdul Wahid, get prepared for major political changes in the Sudan. The Presidency for the Marginalized regions is a burning issue and we must work hard to take it next general elections.       


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