اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد

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12-22-2013, 06:39 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد (Re: MOHAMMED ELSHEIKH)

    Matt Bahnas By: | Abdul Razak Ahmad poet on the sidewalk froze it neglected thousands of books, a line Mohammed Hussein Bahnas last steps towards defeat, and in the cold heart of Cairo, a man in his clothes shrank to become the first man to make it snow Cairo winter weather. In the morning, not a whole mornings, he turned around the eyes of many of the features Tkthert not black or tattered clothes on the night of the country's grim. As if the wonderful visual decided to make his body lean Icon charge attached to the necks of the fields in Cairo rebellious. With misery and despair and helplessness, decided Tramp Bahnas to flee from the map of Sudan divided into maps more attractive, fled from the darkness of Omdurman, plunging to the capital of the light, and in France making the most beautiful sculptures, but he left adorn the walls of the Elysee day reluctantly leaving a child barely Taluk The first letters of his name with her tongue soft. He then returned to Weaver hometown of grief to the busy streets of Cairo and his heart broken distributor on the maps. In the lobby of the apartment miserable region of the threshold, the late com its wonderful, dreamy and filled his evenings playing the guitar solo on alienation. The streets of Cairo warm spring, Osalt talent fertile Sudanese man, and stir the demons of his skull hair in small, thin fingers moved a reluctant and sometimes writes again to turn the clay between his hands into the faces of revolutionary vibrant and hope. Daum tramp and ice to visit Tahrir Square until he became a pilgrimage site for him, and chased him while the need, poverty and helplessness forced him to leave the apartment threshold, did not find a way to keep his feet hanging out over the sidewalks, but the field warm. But Sudanese smitten Cairo at night did not notice the seasons change, and did not pay attention to the spring as he fled from the fields of freedom without shoes to escape the Hunting, slept Report of cold-eyed over his court, and left without paying attention to its members a stiff. In the absence of passers-by about their affairs, small turning amazing artist to No. transient over the sidewalk does not care for the departed. Not the heart of Cairo warmer than the night of Paris, and her kindest parties of the Cold float Omdurman. Volhm one, and despair one, and one death. O destiny Knight Sudanese Almtrgel you come to the capitals or at the wrong time, and I thought Bmaadenha issued good, Vtaft them as he did with Ben Hiam accept signalman The Wall and The Wall, and carried the stones, promiscuous between the palms of his hands as if carrying a baby. But as it did Hzmtk Bthoarha, did not keep an eye on your tips cured shiver nor jerk. Dear smitten capitals turned cold to the volcano of despair and Tootma to mourn. Creators in our country die twice, but the novelty Mottk O miserable fugitive represent a serious turning point in the curve defeats shared by creators in our country, and excite disgust in the hearts of surviving in the country lost her virginity Bmotk. At the time of change of the jades lenses sniffer dogs lenses to fit the colors of debauchery in Moasmna false, you die you Kkoma straw over Erceftna # # # # # # # # # # # # e without turning to the inscriptions Hanaand#250;k or facial palms and Minister of culture or even the Minister of Environment , like powdering seasons in the dust. Not goofing winter when I swear that the ######### of the four bare Adeaouatna false to the core, and debunking the warmth of Cairo individual eye and heart understands. Were not goofing ice emotions while leak to your members on imported shabby and allegations Jfa, and decided to make like a sculptor carved from ice brittle fragility fit the reality of cultural miserable. Down with stiff after your features black O Tramp late prostitution rings media, and all the ministers of information, and all publishing houses that do not advocate for the burial of the book ugly time. But the language of the letters fall Nhatoha falling over like flies Vijmdon cold sidewalks between the folded pages without the reader care about them. Yesterday, the near dead poet filled the world vocal, and sitting officials all over the country speaking Baldhad, then buried knobs for in the tombs of charity without attending to the burial date official, and today comes to us Bismarck towering and hands colored inks misery to sleep as a bloc of misery over the map of the future of the neglected deliberately and ill Fold the rights of creators. To leave my Arab knight and includes within you Almtkhcben novel withered "Rachel", Vomtna which was maintained for books sites above all sidewalks may disarmament Blatha rebels and street vendors, to leave for a nation driven by the ignorant verse, and Evrkonha speech, not fluent politicians but agitation mastered Kpraaha only repression ,. Difference in my dream iced maps Arabs did not know about the fields Thoarha way to freedom only Pantaal Shoes obscenity, nor demanding Hakogiwaa but a decent burial ceremony citizens. Bahnas if he died in the country worth staying up maps of their people revolted and stone squares, and reformers came to the mountain tops to go along with God to pray, but we are a nation composed and written by death, and even slept with blood carried the desperate serial killer. And turned over ritual killings boundaries to folkloric heritage unfortunate, did not leave their people of color flags brightly but by Agent Red and Snow White. Goodbye Tramp adventurer, oh chased from fields until Trdtk, and moved in the stomachs of chapters Arab ridiculous to even Holtk statue snowy cold. At the morgue Zenhom you'll find hundreds of Almthelgen like brothers Karamazov who are around them cold or foolish or false pregnancy Rubaie to statues of national cheap. Soon the snow will melt and you lose your features in a temporary memory populism, then buried forever.
    الرحمة لعزيزنا الراحل الفنان بهنس
    و مشكور أخي محمد علي جلب المقال الجميل
    والحب والتقدير والأحترام للكاتب المبدع عبدالرازق أحمد .


العنوان الكاتب Date
اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد MOHAMMED ELSHEIKH12-22-13, 06:24 PM
  Re: اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد Osman Musa12-22-13, 06:39 PM
    Re: اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد MOHAMMED ELSHEIKH12-23-13, 05:29 AM
      Re: اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد محمد فضل الله المكى12-23-13, 05:42 AM
        Re: اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد MOHAMMED ELSHEIKH12-23-13, 05:50 AM
          Re: اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد ولياب12-23-13, 06:12 AM
            Re: اجمل ماقرأت في رثاء بهنس للكاتب المصري عبد الرازق احمد MOHAMMED ELSHEIKH12-23-13, 08:59 PM

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