.. إنفلونزا الخنازيـر ... الاجراءات الاحترازيـة ... مشاركة الأطباء مطلوبـة .......

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04-29-2009, 12:29 PM

أحمد الشايقي
<aأحمد الشايقي
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-08-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 14611

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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.. إنفلونزا الخنازيـر ... الاجراءات الاحترازيـة ... مشاركة الأطباء مطلوبـة .......

    ما هي انفلونزا الخنازيـر ؟؟؟

    وما هي الاجراءات الاحتياطية المطلوبة للوقاية والتعامل مع المرضى ومصادر العدوى ؟؟؟

    كيف يتم التعامل مع الاطعمة الطازجة والخضروات والمأكولات والمشروبات السريعة ؟؟؟

    كلها أسئلة يحتاج الناس للتثقيف حولها,

    بوست مفتوح ومشاركة الإخوة الأطباء مطلوبة

    أحمد الشايقي

04-29-2009, 12:30 PM

أحمد الشايقي
<aأحمد الشايقي
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-08-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 14611

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: .. إنفلونزا الخنازيـر ... الاجراءات الاحترازيـة ... مشاركة الأطباء مطلوبـة ....... (Re: أحمد الشايقي)

    What is swine flu?

    Swine influenza, or ‘swine flu’, is a respiratory disease found in pigs. Outbreaks can happen any time, particularly in autumn and winter months. When outbreaks occur, the amounts of infections are usually quite high, but death rates are generally low.

    There are many different strains of the virus and, as with human flu, these bugs are constantly evolving. They are generally passed between pigs either through direct contact or through the air.

    How does it differ from other forms of flu?

    Generally, different strains of flu virus are limited to a particular species: avian flu mostly affects birds, for example, and swine flu is usually exclusive to pigs. Seasonal flu, the type of flu us humans catch in the winter months, is generally unpleasant for the sufferer, but rarely fatal. It is caused by an existing virus that is only life-threatening for vulnerable groups like the elderly. Most strains of swine flu don’t spread to humans, but if they do they can be extremely serious and cause death.

    Pandemics can occur when a strain of flu swaps genetic components with another. This may then infect humans and can easily be spread from person to person. This kind of outbreak is more serious and will cause larger numbers of deaths than seasonal flu.

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed that some of the cases reported in this latest outbreak are a new version of the H1N1 swine flu strain Type A and contain genetic material from viruses affecting humans, pigs and birds.

    How dangerous is it?

    Potentially, very, although most people who contract it do recover and it’s too early to say quite how dangerous this particular strain is. Deaths have yet to occur outside of Mexico and some are suggesting the fatal element of this virus may be down to localised factors, possibly due to an unrelated, mystery bug going around the country at the same time. That said, people in Mexico have been seeking medical attention later than in other countries and victims are younger than in cases of seasonal flu, which is a big cause for concern.

    The WHO has said the present outbreak could cause a global pandemic and the situation is serious. We are now closer to such a pandemic than at any time since 1968, when an outbreak first detected in Hong Kong killed up to one million people worldwide. On Monday April 27 the WHO raised its alert level from three to four, two steps short of declaring a full pandemic.

    Tests so far have shown that antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu are effective against this particular strain and the WHO says the world should be well-placed to combat the outbreak.

    What are the symptoms?

    Reported symptoms are much the same as those with seasonal flu: fever, fatigue, coughing, sneezing and loss of appetite. Many sufferers of this new strain have also complained of diarrhoea and vomiting.

    What should I do if I show any of the symptoms?

    The Health Protection Agency has urged anyone returning from an affected area to monitor their health closely for seven days once they get back to Britain. If you do develop flu-like symptoms within a week, contact your GP or NHS Direct on 0845 4647. Tell them what symptoms you are experiencing and give details of your travel to the affected area.

    Anyone who develops symptoms should avoid contact with other people where possible, cover their face when sneezing, maintain good basic hygiene and clean hard surfaces (such as door handles) frequently using a normal cleaning product. Special care should be taken to make sure children follow this advice.

    What are the risks in the UK?

    The Department of Health has said we “should expect” an outbreak of swine flu in the UK and has warned against travel to affected areas. Two British holidaymakers, recently returned from Mexico on honeymoon, were diagnosed with swine flu on Monday April 27. They are being treated at Monklands Hospital in Airdrie where they are reported to be recovering well.

    What can we do to prevent the virus spreading?

    The most effective way to prevent the spread of disease is to stop the spread of germs. Washing your hands with soap and water, disposing of used tissues promptly and covering your mouth when you sneeze will all help stem the spread. The NHS has urged people to think about who they would rely on if they or their family contracted the virus. Who would fetch medicines and shop for you, for example, and what supplies would you keep a store of at home?

    How is the government preparing for an outbreak?

    The government is liaising with the World Health Organisation and is expected to meet with fellow EU members to discuss the outbreak. If and when the pandemic does arrive in the UK, antiviral treatment will be distributed to people who contract the virus and there are enough medicines in stock to treat half the British population. Antivirals don’t cure the flu, but they do help lessen symptoms and speed recovery.

    Is it still safe to eat pork?

    Lovers of sausages, bacon and honey-glazed ham needn’t worry, it’s perfectly safe to eat properly prepared pork products. Swine flu is killed at standard cooking temperatures of 160°F/70°C, corresponding with the usual way you’d prepare meat to kill off bugs such as salmonella.

    Quote: معلومات منقولة عن موقع www.msn.com[/QUOTE[/B]

04-29-2009, 12:33 PM

أحمد الشايقي
<aأحمد الشايقي
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-08-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 14611

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: .. إنفلونزا الخنازيـر ... الاجراءات الاحترازيـة ... مشاركة الأطباء مطلوبـة ....... (Re: أحمد الشايقي)

    تداخل شديد وتشابه بين الاعراض المذكورة وأعراض الملاريا عندما تكون مصحوبة بنزلة برد

    بالطريقة دي نصف البلاد ممكن تودع في الكرنتينـة .......

    هل يجري أي تنوير للأطباء بهذه الاعراض للتفريق بينها وبين الاعراض المشابهة لأمراض أخرى ؟؟؟

    أحمد الشايقي

04-29-2009, 01:39 PM

أحمد الشايقي
<aأحمد الشايقي
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-08-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 14611

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: .. إنفلونزا الخنازيـر ... الاجراءات الاحترازيـة ... مشاركة الأطباء مطلوبـة ....... (Re: أحمد الشايقي)

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