إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view

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02-16-2008, 02:07 AM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view

    From the International Herald Tribune Discussion Forum



    The Danish newspaper that first published the Mohamed cartoons has now republished one of them two years later. The response from some has been and calls for boycotts. This interests us as Europeans because it involves Europeans in Europe trying to live according to European law. Danes are being harassed and cajoled into accepting the muslim worldview. The Danish papers have done nothing out of keeping with Danish law and are acting within their rights. And yet there are violent responses supposedly done in the name of “honoring the prophet.”
    Some people support the cartoons as freedom of speech. Fair enough. Some oppose the cartoons because they feel the cartoons are wrong. Fair enough. I am sure that some people oppose the cartoons mainly because they fear the reprisals of angered muslims. That was and remains the point of the cartoons: to expose that fear and give Danes (and all Europeans) a forum to ask, “Is is ok with you if I live as a European in my own country?”


    How is it that we can deny god, insult prophets, undermine religion and consider it freedom of opinion and of the press. On the other hand if one even questions the Holocaust one goes to jail and is branded and labeled for the rest of his or her life. Let me qualify that by saying I do believe in the Holocaust however if one can deny god why cant one deny the holocaust. Lets not be hypocrites, I am all for freedom of speech, press and opinion . But the insulting of religions has no place in civilized societies. This inequity can lead only to further hatred and acrimony


    The American flag to most Americans is a symbol bought with blood and also symbolizes One Nation under God. Every time our flag is spit on, stomped on, and burned, what should we as americans do? I don’t know, but I do know that the majority of Americans are lovers of God and we will not give into the hatred that some muslims have for us and the rest of the world


    think that Denmark should grow up. Sticking it to the Muslims with a chartoon is not going to get rid of terrorists. And to be so disrespectful is in no way justafiable, it is low and serves no real purpose


    Muslims cannot deny they have extremists in their ranks. They plead innocence too much rather than work to clarify their religious objectives and educate their flock that peace and understanding should be their mantra. Oh, heaven forbid someone hits the nail right on the head and calls it like it is. Get over it and act proactively Islam, rather than screaming “stop picking on us.”


    Funny that you say that freedoms shouldn’t impinge on others, yet it’s Islam that has the ‘convert or die’ clause.

    Next time Muslims are out killing ‘infidels’, I’ll be sure to remember that I have no freedoms to stop them, but they have all the freedom to kill me


    The central figures of my own faith have certainly been insulted, maligned, desecrated over centuries, more often than can be counted. But then, being what they are, they could in earnest never be touched, let alone sullied. The prophet certainly is above all triviality? Taking offence in the way exhibited smacks of the presumptious claim that one’s particular faith is to be regarded as the one sanctioned offical and compulsory faith. In the countries of Europe? Or the rest of the globe? Let us hope, even pray, for forgiveness and understanding, and indeed, hope may yet save us all
    Best wishes to everybody


    These are the same people don’t blink when their sons randomly lob thousands of rockets and mortars into Israel to terrorize and kill innocent civilians, but take to the streets when they are offended by a cartoon. Their righteous indignation is either phony political propaganda or, if genuinely felt, just plain bizarre (i.e. extremely incongruous)


    am not Muslim, but ALL of my Muslim friends have told me that the cartoons should just be ignored; what’s the point? I think that to protest and maim and kill and issue fatwahs against those who published or designed the cartoons is ridiculous. There are far greater, more expedient issues to address: the continuing occupation of Palestine (including the siege of Gaza) & Iraq & Afghanistan & Okinawa & etc., poverty and AIDS on the African continent and elsewhere, massive climate change which is leaving some of colder and others flooded, and so on. Work towards peace and stability, instead of always stirring a pot to avoid the problems right in front of your fac


    I am sick and tired about the typical Western approach speaking of Islam as a religion taking for granted it is a religion lived and taken by its followers in “a similar way” to the different religions are lived and taken by their followers in Western societies. Wake up!!! I hope that those found guilty of crimes in Denmark are to be deprived of their citicenship or residence permit and sent back to whichever country they came from


    Question 1: What should make people think that the prophet can even remotely
    be touched by something as trivial as a cartoon, let alone be offended?
    Question 2: What should make people think that Islam, other than the Jewish, Christian, Buddhist or any other religion is alone and exclusively exempt from the
    derogatory views of others? Has it been established as mandatory for the entire
    population of the globe?

02-16-2008, 02:25 AM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)


    I’d like to see the cartoon on this site too… On a side note, there have been a lot of comments calling for universal respect, almost reverence from some, for all religions. Some religions are evil, some are hypocritical, none are harmless, and none have all the answers to what plagues our world. We must throw them out the window and settle our differences rationally. Until that day comes, I welcome cartoons like these to bring people in to a peaceful (if angry) confrontation of ideas


    Noone seems to have picked up on the reason the cartoons were reprinted by the Danish papers. There was a lot of debate in Denmark about whether the cartoons should have been published in the first place, and a lot of people thought it silly to do something, even though it was fully legal, that would obviously offend a lot of people. Fair enough

    But the reason they’re being printed now, even by papers who refused to print them the first time, is as a show of solidarity. See, it was discovered last week that Islamic fundamentalists had been planning, in detail, the assassination of the cartoonist who drew the bomb-in-turban caricature. To the Danish press, that changes everything — now it’s not just an exercise of free speech, but of demonstrating that they will NOT be silenced by such threats.

    I applaud the papers doing so


    They look pretty well fed and well dressed to me. What is all this about ’starving’ Gazans? A picture tells a thousand words. Let them trade places with Darfurians who are being raped, massacred and forced into camps while depending on international handouts to stay alive. And all at the hands of their ‘brotherly’ Arab Sudanese


    To enraged Muslims: Get over it.Your newspapers regularly publish things that are insulting to other religions, especially Christians and Jews, depicting them as animals and worse. Your outrage is hypocritical.
    In the free world, newspapers and people have the right to say whatever they like. If you don’t
    like it, don’t read it, simple as that


    again, muhammad was a very wise man and so that was why God has chosen him to be the prophet. sadly to say, none of his friends and followers were wise enough to really understand the real teaching of muhammad because right after his death, they all began fighting with each other to see if they can take over his throne. their greed and hunger to be in power caused islam to be devided into many different fractions and groups and this goes on to this very day
    islam was never the same like during muhammad’s time. the once peaceful and just religion have been used much for personnal gain and glory. glory in the name of Allah or God, but which God? God of love and peace or God of greed or violence? Tolerance was one of the greatest virtue in islam, in all religion in that case but you dont see that anymore especially with this cartoon case. ignorance is the main culprit simply because people cannot think anymore. the minds have been gripped and controlled by those in power. we simply follows orders. we are blinded . we are worse than a blind man. we have eyes, but we dont see, we have ears but we dont hear and we have minds but we dont think
    ‘ read’ was one of the first verses to be given to muhammad, but no, we prefer to watch television and listen to what the box has to say. and if we do so read, it will be those of sensational, shallow glossy magazines.
    we are afraid. afraid of change, afraid to think, afraid to try, afraid to live and experience out of our normal way of living
    the book says that if you follow the devil, then your life will become easier because thats where the money is. otherwise you will have to suffer. yes, we are afraid of sufferings. we are afraid of not having to do without food. not for one meal, not for one day.
    follow the devil and you will be paid handsomely. one thing for sure is that it will make you fat but not necessarily handsome or pretty
    we ask and we demand for respect, toward our prophets, our religion and our self. that is where when things go wrong. we dont ask for respect, we have to earn it. and to earn it we have to show that we are a better person. the prophet or all the prophets have shown us the way to be good human being. jesus says love your enemy and muhammad pays hatred with love. simple law, but i guess not very easy to imitate. it is much more easier to pray 5 times a day and cut someones throat the next day and yes, …dont forget to burn his car and house down as well.
    take the easy way out. less headache. less pain and died as a matyr and being sent straight to heaven.well are you sure? are you sure you are doing the right thing? are you sure you are reserved a place in heaven and will be mingling with the prophets? i dont think so. no no seriously, i dont believe so
    to me you just give love a bad name and so to islam
    we need to revolutionized ourself. we need to look at ourself, inside out outside in. we need to jihad and that starts we ourself. not jihad by blowing somebodys brain. that is oldfashioned, out of date and moreover misunderstood
    so let us simply ignore the cartoons and move on with our daily life. forget what they say about muhammad. we all know that is not true. it is a test to see how far we can go.a test of endurance. a test to see how patient, tolerance and how smart we are. by playing and entertaining their game, we are only giving them unnecessary points to show how weak we are. the more we demand, the more we ask , the more silly we become and the worse we look on TVs and the medias
    so if you really love the prophet and if you love yourself and your fellow human being, you need to show that you a cool, humble and understanding and kind person with full of love. violence doesnt work. revenge only makes you weaker. hatred kills that love in you.
    let all those good deeds and virtues defends you. you dont have to defend yourself


    Media needs to lose its corporate straightjacket & quit classifying people on religion, which is 1st degree discrimination


    Throughout all of these comments, I have failed to see any of the woes of the world attributed to their true designer. This architect is known to all Muslims as well as Chriistians of all stripes, all Jews, and most that cant or wont confess it. His name is Satan. All of the major religions have specific ways to address the destroyer of worlds. The main one is LOVE. The profit said it, Jesus said it, and the world has many times as a result, been a better place


    Often we hear that the vast majority of Muslims are tolerant and peace loving, but where are they when the time comes to speak out against the fanatics who they say are highjacking their religion? If every Muslim spoke out loudly and vehemently against those who riot and kill in the name of their Prophet the sound would drown out the rantings of the murderous few. Without that the face of Islam that the world sees is one of hatred and intolerance. To all of the Muslims who claim to abhor religious extremism and violence I say, “Silence is complicity!”


    You have the right to believe what ever you so choose, however you do not have the right to FORCE those beliefs on others. We poke fun at all the major prophets, and we are entitled to as Freedom of Speech, and the Freedom of the Press. Yes we should respect one another, but our basic freedoms are what support our society, hence they take priority


    Grow up, muslims! Bravo Denmark. It’s time to stop being afraid of these bullies. The West needs an immigration time out from these backward and violent countries

02-16-2008, 02:44 AM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)


    Thanks Denmark…For finally growing a pair

    Denmark, May the light of Liberty ALWAYS shine upon you. Democracy and Freedom must never be taken for granted

    “Give me Liberty or give me DEATH!” - Patrick Henry


    This is how unemployed people spend their time; this and in making rockets. If Israel had any sense, she would quit strangling their economy, and help them make jobs


    Muslim’s actions turn reasonable non-muslim’s against them. If they REALLY were followers of the prophet, they would shun violence. The world is watching and will decide, hopefully without a new crusade that the violence caused in the past. Think about it


    am not in favor of being PC for anything doesn’t mean I’m an anarchist - whether its liberal values of having to “accept” homosexuality or whether its the refusal of liberal societies who guilt themselves out of the bi-directional’s nature of racism. In the 70’s/80’s SAL made fun of everything and you choice watch or leave - now everything has to sanitized for risk of offending some group or sub-group. I for one am not in favor of turning everything into vanilla but I not in favor of listening to every group whine either. Comedy has always had an edge to it and the best comedy changes inappropriate values maybe that’s what this really about - control. The Muslim argument sounds just to much like a reformation protestants vs.. Catholics ” Boring”


    Freedom of speech? are you sure that i wont be hanged if i say something against a specific religion which has nothing to do with islam? of course then i will be an anti semitic, an anti christ or even a terrorist! freedom of speech became a weapon towards all Muslims. so im not buying this!


    Honor to the Danes taking a stand on the religious extremism.
    Personally, I don’t want to know about any religious interference in my daily life, after all religion is similar to having an imaginary friend, i.e. fiction


    There is one simple solution for muslims who feel offended by the way we europeans express our thoughts. Pack up your belongings and return to your country! I am sure that you will live a much better life there, with regards to human rights, housing, employment, social benefits, etc. If you opted to live in a european country, (however uninvited) you must learn to adapt or else return to your “paradise “. We are living in the 21st century and people with medieval mentality simply do not fit


    As quoted before, “Tolerance is a two way street.” I believe that this is the absolute correct thing to do, and want to compliment the newspapers for their commitment to standing up for their beliefs. Too many times today, people bend to the will of others, whether it is for religious or political reasons, instead of standing for their own beliefs. Only when all can express their beliefs without fear of retribution or attack can we truly say we live in free societies. That is, unfortunately, what the Muslims who would cause violence because of a cartoon do not understand, or care about


    How would you feel if someone made a fool of your religion/idol?
    Freedom of speech you say? There must be a limit to anything including freedom of speech.

    When you are thinking of freedom you do not violate the freedom of others


    I’m sure there are many things that Muslims value about their religion. Like all religions, there are many positive ideas and teachings that inspire good people to live good lives. But people are judged by their actions (and rightly so), and if the reaction to someone printing/writing/saying something you don’t like is violence, even to the point of killing, then those actions point to people who are barbaric and uncivilized. It is not the responsibility of the Danish newspaper to restrict what it prints just to assuage a particular group, but it is the responsibility of individuals to control their response. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to read that newspaper, but they don’t have the right to intimidate the people exercising their rights of free speech. The truly ironic thing is that images of Mohammed are prohimited because of the danger that it could lead to idolatry. Isn’t it idolatrous to make an image so important that people will riot and kill over it?

    It is only the blind acceptance of religion (any religion) that leads someone like Shafeeq (20) to say:

    “If they wage war or ridicule the prophet then Allah will wage war against them. And remember the we all belong to Allah and He choose who He wants to fight this scourge. For their own safety and warning it is better for them to stay away from such actions.”

    Now isn’t that convenient for anyone who wants to riot or kill? All they have to do is convince themselves that their god is making them do it

    Until the good, decent, non-violent Muslims speak out and refuse to be part of this attack on the western values of rationality and free speech, they will be seen by the rest of the world as supporting it. They will all be seen as backward

02-16-2008, 03:14 AM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)


    and by the way and by all means, the only way to unite the people in this world is not by asking or forcing someone to respect your belief or religion but thru humility and being humble. you will get the respect you want that way


    muhammad was a very wise guy, that is why God chose him to be the prophet.
    just after he died, his friends and followers started to fight with each other to take over his place, but, sadly to say, they were all not so wise and didnt understand the true teaching of the prophet. they were split up into different groups and not united, and this has carried on until this very day,

    if you love the prophet, you will just ignore the cartoons.why give milieage to things that is not worth mentioning. it only show our own stupidity and ignorance
    try to follow what the prophet did, he pays hatred with love, so now try that. you will definitely feel a lot better and perhaps become a little more wiser


    It is really interesting to read these comments, some are really fascinating, some are pearls of sophistry.
    Personally I feel sorry for religious people, it must be difficult to live a permanent lie
    They live in a modern secular society, the computer they use was invented thanks to rational thinking, the medicine they benefit from exist because people have not only challenged but broken religious interdicts, the power they use might be produced by a nuclear plant, result of the work of an free thinking and educated woman, I could keep going like that all day

    So, to the offended Muslims, please understand that most Europeans are well aware that the world they live in and enjoy is the product of centuries of struggle against the grip religion had on their life and that secularism is the best thing that happened in history

    Freedom of speech, freedom of thought are some of the pillars of our social organization and you are free to voice your dissent, not to prohibit someone to express his views however misguided they might be

    Finally, no, we are not afraid, we went trough dark ages already, we own the toys and gender equality gives us twice the brain power. (something you might meditate on)


    Good. I’m glad they re-ran the cartoon. In the process, as far as I know, they didn’t slit anyone’s throat or cut off anyone’s head

    Hate mongers of any stripe who bully or threaten or kill are mad…as insane

    Societies can allow self-righteous thugs only as much freedom as law allows

    In a secular society a lot of things go on that this or that group isn’t going to like. They need to get over it if what ever “it” is doesn’t threaten their physical safety. They should never be allowed to step outside the law into violence

    There is nothing more obvious than the fact that violence breeds violence. Decent people regardless of their belief system(s) are not violent, or at least they KNOW they shouldn’t be


    I have looked at the cartoons and they appear to me NOT to insult the Prophet. More they are a commentary on the activities of a MINORITY of Muslims who are using hatred to manipulate normally very decent people. We in the west have grown used to freedom of speech, and we love cartoons. If you don’t like these Danish cartoons you need to fix, within your 99% decent community, repeat, 99% decent community, what is the basis for them. I have been in Muslim countries are you deserve better than manipulation of hatred in the guise of religion




    I feel grateful to good ideas coming in this forum.Surely A writer has rightly
    mentioned of Muslims love of Abraham,Moses,Jesus for whom they pray in
    billions five times time daily for their elevated positions in heavans.We should
    have same respect for Prophet Mohammad.We should stop hurting their
    religious sentiments.I wish his comments reach DanisH Government and Queen for promoting his ideas.I would request someone also sends to Vatican Holiness and across the world.Specially Sammarre thoughts for people of
    Africa,poor of world are unique.Simple to follow for individuals.Let his message reach all continents,governments which can save thousands of trillions dollors of rich and poor countries.Individuals can really save hundreds of $ if they follow to make their life healthy,wealthy and wise.Such persons,I would recommend
    to Noble Prize Committe and Swede Royalyty to encourge and promote him
    Please someone sends this message all in world.I am too old to
    do it.Someone does for poor of world.REGARDS


    Freedom of speech is just that - freedom. If we start to censor our publishings, we can say good by to civil rights. People who equal some carricature with the tolerance and attitude of a whole society just demonstrate their tunnel vision


    First, it seems that these acts of reprinting the images were done under the guise of “freedom of speech”, but in fact this act only seems represent the general mood of fear and antipathy towards muslims. Everyone here defending the reprinting of these images is right in one respect, freedom of speech is a sacred and important thing. But with this freedom comes responsibility and a duty to respect this freedom. The reprinting of these images was just a childish backlash out of anger towards the radical few. It is, however, unfortunate that there are the radical few out there who only add to the stereotype that the images depict and blurr the true nature of islam. But there needs to come a time when the two cultures/religions begin to live together and if not understand eachother, at least make an effort to respect eachother. Bridges need to be built and efforts need to be made, and this childish act only destroys all past efforts


    What is published and permissable in a Danish newspaper is something for the Danes to decide.

    If certain elements in the world find it objectionable they may make their displeasure known to the Danish government and people.

    However, such dissenting elements have no right to enforce their will on what the Danish people find acceptable for publication. Furthermore, they must accept how the Danish public and press view a religion and its followers, no matter how unpalatible that may be.

    People who hold the freedom of expression close to their hearts will not tolerate being dictated to by religious fanatics

02-16-2008, 03:21 AM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)


    The first time, these cartoons were meant, to have a good innocent laugh. It was theirs rights to do so. Arabs overreacted, instead of taking the thing as simple, as it was. Maybe Mohammed, a really clever being, would have joined in, using a good laugh himself, being the thing with no malice. But now what’s the use? Can one have the same relax with worn out cartoons? Why doing it again, knowing the Arab people will be displeased? Best thing Arabs could do, is to ignore completely the thing, making them feel, the nothingness they are


    This just proves that religion is given far more respect and importance than it deserves. Religion is an intensely personal experience. Keep it that way


    All religions should be respected. Islam is no exception. But the cartoons are ar political and should not be considered as against Islam. Care should be taken, however to not be offensive to muslims, or any other people

02-16-2008, 01:48 PM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)


    I read this article and just had to say something

    Two things…..#1: If freedom of speech is a valued law of the land where you live, embrace it….because some may not have that luxury. If you don’t like it, oh well. You can’t expect a free nation to change the law just to suit you own agenda. (Like it or Lump it)

    #2: If you live in a place where you are a minority and don’t like that status either, you also have a choice there….accept it or leave for a place where you won’t be a minority. Like it or Leave

02-16-2008, 02:08 PM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)


    Denmark is a secular democracy, there is no reason for a newspaper not to publish something because it is offending to this or that sectarian group

    Nobody forces the Muslims to read that paper or look at these images

    They have to understand that subjecting others to one’s beliefs or custom is not OK in most of the western world

02-16-2008, 04:21 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 5394

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)

    Quote: Denmark is a secular democracy, there is no reason for a newspaper not to publish something because it is offending to this or that sectarian group

    Nobody forces the Muslims to read that paper or look at these images

    They have to understand that subjecting others to one’s beliefs or custom is not OK in most of the western world


02-16-2008, 03:57 PM

Mohamed Omer
<aMohamed Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 2405

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إعادة نشر الرسوم الكاريكاتيرية-Western point of view (Re: Mohamed Omer)


    In an age where we finally have the means to unite this world, it’s quite disappointing that still we cannot respect the beliefs and values of those that differ from our own. You may not understand my religion; I may not understand your atheism; but at the very least we can make a conscious effort to respect each other’s beliefs. Even better - we can try to understand. Publishing images which directly attack the most sacred prophet in one’s faith for the name of ‘freedom of speech’ is both insensitive and hurtful towards millions of innocent people who are trying to live their faith quietly. Can this right - of ‘freedom of speech’ - be so grossly manipulated as to permit such a blatant attack towards all Muslims? Perhaps the publishers do not understand the complexities of faith and the purity of love that a devout, true believer has towards the founder of their religion. But they should respect it

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